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Heard In Unity

© Tony O’Brien 2020 All rights reserved

This is what Mark Tanner, judge of the EPTA 2016 composition competition had to say about

“Human Race - Leg 4” (formerly titled “Children , Vexations and Consolations #5”)

“This is a tremendously ambitious and decisive piece, packed with ingenious harmonic and pianistic detail to keep us all wondering what on earth you are going to do next!  From amiable beginnings, the piece flourishes and expands in its adventurous behaviour, leaving virtually no stones unturned as it progresses forwards exuberantly. While a few aspects of the score itself could enjoy a little further work with a duster and a can of polish, your intentions are mostly very clear indeed, and the the impact of the music is undeniably good, so congratulations on this extraordinary achievement.

I like the humorous interjections, which serve the piece well and keep us on track as regards the overarching musical message, and although the piece itself well fall well outside the capabilities of most players, you clearly have brought a considerable knowledge (Ireland, Bowen, even Rachmaninov all spring to mind) to bear on this. Its scherzando flourishes, and endless desire for pianistic ingenuity, seem to know no bounds - it is brimming with vibrancy, intensity and energy, which is just as it should be; my heartfelt congratulations, very well done!”